Opening Keynote: The State of U.S. Housing Markets
Tue Feb 25
12:30 PM — 1:30 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time
General Session
Each year, the Housing Opportunity Conference opens with a general session titled “State of the U.S. Housing Markets.” Ken Rosen, Chairman of Rosen Consulting Group, and Adam Ducker of RCLCO will provide this year’s keynote remarks. Mr. Rosen will speak to the national landscape and trends. Adam will focus on the latest affordability data and challenges facing different markets, while presenting the 2025 update to the ULI Terwilliger Center’s Home Attainability Index. This dynamic session will set the stage for the panels and conversations that take place during the course of the Conference.
Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker
Adam Ducker is Chief Executive Officer of RCLCO and oversees the firm’s Real Estate Economics and Management Consulting practices. Adam joined RCLCO in the mid-1990s as an associate directly after graduate school and learned the trade with the firm. He is a recognized expert in planning for organizational growth and talent management, capital strategy, investment analysis, market and financial analysis, and marketing of real estate…
Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker
Chairman Rosen Consulting Group
Ken Rosen is Chairman of Rosen Consulting Group, a real estate market research firm, Chairman of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics, and Professor Emeritus and California State Chair of Real Estate and Urban Economics at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. Mr. Rosen is a trustee of the Urban Land Institute and is a member of…